

Kindergarten and younger children will join the service for the Children’s Lesson noted in the worship order. First through fifth graders may come forward for the Children’s Lesson and then return to their seats for the remainder of the service.



Kindergarten and younger children will worship downstairs during worship service. During this time, children will experience God's love through songs, skits, crafts, and play. 

children on sundays (FAQs)

On Sunday mornings from 9:30am-12:00pm nursery care for babies age 0-36 months is available in the nursery, located in the Children's Suite on the lower level. Worship care for children 3 years old through Kindergarten are offered for all worship services and most church wide events. Worship care volunteers understand that providing a safe, pleasant and clean environment is an all-important step in the spiritual development of children. Pagers are available for parents so that worship care volunteers can notify a parent in the event that a child becomes sick or cannot be comforted.


Q: What should I do with my baby on Sunday mornings? 

A: You are welcome to bring your baby with you to worship or Sunday school. However, we have an excellent nursery program, and we encourage you to take advantage of our professional and caring nursery environment. The nursery is located on the lower level, in the Children's Suite.

Q: Who will take care of my child while he or she is in the nursery? 

A: We take great pride in the quality of both our nursery staff and facilities, because we understand that providing a safe, pleasant and clean environment is an all-important step in the spiritual development of children. Our nursery rooms are staffed with caring volunteers. Our children's Sunday School director is CPR certified and our teachers and volunteers undergo background checks. Our volunteers are church members and parents who have a heart for children. 

Q: What do I do with my baby when I arrive in the nursery? 

A: When you enter the Children's suite, please sign your child in on the forms provided. Someone will be there to welcome your child into his or her appropriate room. Pagers are available for parents.

Q: When is the nursery available? 

A: The nursery is open on Sunday mornings from 9:30am-12:15pm and for most church wide events.

Q: How can I volunteer to help? 

A: We ask that parents of regularly attending nursery children volunteer once per quarter. Contact the church office if you would like to help in this ministry.

Q: When does my baby go to Sunday school?  

A. Sunday school is available for all children. Sunday School begins at 9:30 and ends at 10:45. At this time all children who are 3 years old or older will join their parents for Sunday Worship Service and will proceed downstairs for Children's Church following the Children's Lesson during the Worship Service. Sunday School classes are formed in August based on the age of the child on September 1st.